TransAire 10 Escape Respirator Aluminum
In the event of a spill or release of toxic material, the worker can quickly retract the protective cover, turn on the air cylinder valve, remove and don the hood, and leave the hazardous area. The TransAire Escape Respirator supplies a continuous flow of air to the hood from the compressed-air cylinder.
For personnel who may need to escape from atmospheres that are made immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) by high concentrations of toxic gases or vapors, or by oxygen deficiency. These lightweight units can either be carried by the worker or mounted on a wall nearby. The TransAire 5 and TransAire 10 escape respirators deliver a consistent air supply at 40 lpm. This standard-flow rate makes for a smooth escape in normal aerobic escape applications. These compact units employ aluminum or carbon fiber cylinders that can withstand exposure to temperatures from zero to 160 degrees F. The hood is made of flexible urethane and can be worn over beards, glasses, etc.
Includes: aluminum cylinder, carrier, hood tube, and hood assembly
TransAire 10 Escape Respirator Aluminum
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